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Next.js + PocketBase + DevOps : Speed and Quality in SaaS Delivery

bun create saasfly


Kickstart your venture with Saasfly's enterprise template. Seamless payment and authentication integration to enhance your workflow.


Advance Past Firebase: Elevate your SaaS and Mobile apps with PocketBase, the ultimate one-file backend, for seamless, efficient development.


Next.js is powerful, but if Vercel isn't for you, consider our solution with easy deployment on, DevContainers for development, and Kubernetes support.

🔋Batteries Included

The code repository is fully equipped with all the essentials for your enterprise startup. Forget the hassle of setting up basic integrations and focus on developing your product from today!


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwRe-usable components built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS


React framework for building performant apps with the best developer experience


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwContainer First and Developer Joy, you may not need Firebase any more

🔒 Authentication

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwProtect pages and API routes throughout your entire app easily thanks to NextAuth.js

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwAccept single payments and recurring subscriptions with Stripe

🚀 Full Featured

Equipped for Internationalization, tRPC Support, Resend Mail Functionality, and customizable with your choice of technology.

Frequently asked questions

In case you have questions, we have answers. If you can't find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us via chat or email.

  • What is Saasfly?  -  SaasFly is a scalable, production-ready SaaS app starter kit, bundling all the essential functionalities and tools. It streamlines your development process, allowing you to concentrate on your core business, thus saving significant time and effort in building your SaaS application.

  • How do I get access to the boilerplate code?  -  Immediately following your purchase, you'll receive a link to add your GitHub account to the private 'saasfly' GitHub repository. This enables you to clone the starter template and begin developing your SaaS application.

  • What do I get exactly?  -  After your purchase, you'll get access to the full source code via GitHub: frontend, backend and infrastructure (as code). So, you can make all the necessary changes to suit your needs without any restrictions.

  • Can I get updates?  -  After your purchase, we provide 1-year access to the latest source code with the latest best practices and dependency updates. and for Business plan ,we will provide lifetime update

  • Can I get a refund?  -  Due to the nature of the software being non-returnable, we don't offer refunds. Before making your purchase, you can preview a live Demo used in production , built on top of saasfly. If you have any questions or need more examples, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • How is Saasfly better than other boilerplates?  -  not only code template, but saas solution